BallFields and Your Data

I firmly believe in privacy and in the principle that your data, is your data. I have setup a premium model, where I charge for the services that you use, specifically so I do not have to monetize your data in any way. This is how your data are used.

A) Identifiable Data

What do I store and how do I store it?

When you create a BallFields account, either by signing in with Apple or by using an email/password account, I collect and store your name, email (or the relayed email if chosen with Apple Sign in) and store it on the Google Servers (Firestore). These servers are not used by anyone but BallFields users.  The Firestore server assigns you a unique ID that is always associated with your account and with most data that you create. This ID is stored with:

If you purchase the optional Scouting module, this gives you access to group messaging and group media sharing. Your unique ID is stored with:

What do I do with your uploaded data?

I treat it with respect. Apart from what is needed to run Ballfields, I will never share your data with a third party and I will never sell your data.

How is your data shared with third parties so that I can run BallFields?

How is your data used within BallFields app?

What data is shared with people in Scouting Organizations?

If at any point you would like to delete all your un-aggregated data you can do so from the Settings Menu->Account Details->Delete your account. If you do this, anything which identifies you will be deleted. Aggregated data that you have submitted (e.g. ratings) will not be deleted.

B) Anonymous Data

Data Captured to improve BallFields

In addition to the specific data mentioned above, I do capture some anonymous data that I use to improve the App: